The Cyber-Anarchist Manifesto
The Anarchist Federation of Cyber Communes is another chapter in the struggle against oppression, one which honours and builds on the web's anarchist traditions. The web is a medium through which we can spread anarchist ideas, as well as organize among already existing online and offline structures, but it is also a space that we can use to implement an anarchist society.
1.0 Anarchism
Anarchism is a political theory that is skeptical of the justification of authority and power. But more importantly, anarchism offers a positive theory for human flourishing, based upon the principles of freedom, equality, community, mutual aid, and non-coercive consensus building.
We want to build a better world: one that brings out the best in each one of us.
In the words of Errico Malatesta:
By anarchist spirit [we] mean that deeply human sentiment, which aims at the good of all, freedom and justice for all, solidarity and love among the people; which is not an exclusive characteristic only of self-declared anarchists, but inspires all people who have a generous heart and an open mind.
2.0 The Web
2.1 Taking Back our Space
The web has an Anarchist tradition. In between open-source software, collaborative websites, and freely available resources, our predecessors have created an oasis that we have maintained and improved. But this space has also been degraded and corrupted. We now live in an era where there are monopolies on all facets of this space from the hardware side to the software side. We are reaching a stage where every aspect of the web is commercialized, from our private social interactions to the information search engines give us. The web has also become a tool of mass state surveillance and fascist political indoctrination. These developments are the result of the capitalist, statist, and colonial logic of our society. They are not an inherent feature of the web.
2.2 The Web an Organizational Tool
We can do more than simply free the web. Even under the current system, the web is an amazing tool to spread information, organize effectively, and discuss ideas. The web is a blueprint for an Anarchist society. Just as Anarcho-Syndicalists see the workers union as a structure through which we can implement an Anarchist revolution, we see the world wide web as a structure capable of much the same. Concretely, we can set up the features of an Anarchist society online which would allow us to create an experiment on a much larger scale than ever attempted before. By creating an online Anarchist society without having to conquer any offline space, we may elude many of the threats that other anarchist and anarchist-adjacent experiments have met. This organization hopes to make that vision possible.
3.0 Federating the Web
3.1. Existing organizations
Our project is not the first appearance of Anarchism on the web nor does it claim to be. The Anarchist sphere is already active on every social media platform with lively discussions of Anarchist theory, talk of past as well as current Anarchist or Anarchist adjacent real world events and exciting new ideas. We have websites for Anarchist news, dusty online libraries, places to participate in mutual aid, and so on. This vibrant ecosystem is the result of years of work from Anarchists across the world and serves as inspiration for this project. We do not wish to replace it, but to build on it. The goal of the federation is to pool these forces together, to share information, and be able to coordinate larger initiatives in an accessible and transparent manner.
We like to imagine a giant solidarity network, and we hope to provide a platform to make it happen.
Concretely, this means that in addition to networking between individuals and existing organizations, we are working to provide a platform for emerging organizations and initiatives. We offer web-services, such as hosting websites, blogs, and podcasts. We invite everyone and anyone who has an idea to reach out to us, so we can all work together to make it happen!
3.2. Linking offline and online
Many current online Anarchist organizations lack a real anchoring in the offline Anarchist community while many offline Anarchist organizations have a merely superficial presence online. With the AFCC, we want to bridge the gap so that we can operate more effectively in both spaces.
4.0 Spreading Anarchist Principles
4.1. Expanding beyond “Western”-centric Anarchism
The web gives the Anarchist community the opportunity of listening to and amplifying the views and analyses of Anarchism beyond this movement's western roots. We also acknowledge solidarity with Indigenous movements who share our values but (rightly so) reject western labels. There are many contributions from Anarchists (and Indigenous movements) from all around the world which are both not accessible or widely shared, and we are here to amplify those contributions.
4.2. Accessibility and Reach
A key aspect of this project is public education. In the context of our heavily indoctrinated society, Anarchist ideals are not immediately accessible to the general public. First you need to overcome all the stigma of even considering Anarchism beyond what the word means in the popular consciousness. Second you need to understand the Anarchist principles to a reasonable level. Thirdly and perhaps most difficultly, you need to manage to effectively apply these principles. Various projects on the web have already made this process more accessible and many of us would not be radicalized if it weren't for the current Anarchist presence. We want to keep a strong presence and improve the education of baby Anarchists.
We already have a very international movement, a characteristic that is both intrinsic to our ideology and uniquely suited to the web. We must make sure that anyone, anywhere can identify with Anarchism.
Join us.
Together, we will be unstoppable.